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    Fort Knox Gun Safes

    Maverick 6637 Safe Review

    Fort Knox Gun Safes recently revamped the Maverick Series in 2011. The Maverick Series is the entry Maverick gun safelevel offering of the company’s seven different gun safe series. The 2011 changes include higher gauge steel, higher fire protection, external hinges and more locking bolts. Despite these improvements, theMaverick 6637 has some features you need to be aware of before choosing this safe.

    Depending upon the internal configuration you choose, this safe can handle up to 44 long guns. Please be aware that Ft. Knox numbers its safe models with the first two digits being the safe height and the last two numbers being the safe width. So, in this case, the Maverick 6637 is 66 inches high and 37 inches wide.

    Fort Knox is widely regarded as being one of the best gun safe manufacturers in the industry. However, they are very tight lipped about their pricing, forcing consumers to have lengthy conversations with sales dealers. This old model of marketing and sales for some people can be a bit tedious.

    Key Advantages

    1. UL Rating: The Maverick 6637 door has withstood 5 minutes of tampering from UL safe cracking experts. This is
      a good basic threshold for an entry level safe.
    2. Fire Rating: The 6637 is rated for 45 minutes at 1,200° F. Fort Knox claims to use an independent certification company, but does not
      provide the name of the certification company.
    3. Lock Protector: Even the entry level Maverick 6637 has the ball bearing lock protector. A ball bearing lock plate serves to
      snap drill bits of would be thieves as they attack a safe.
    4. Height / Weight: For a higher level safe, I would not normally highlight these particular items. This safe is 66 inches high
      which is not the highest you can get, but it does offer decent height for many entry level options. The weight of this safe
      is 800 pounds. This weight is short of my recommended 1,000 pounds, but again, this safe is heavy for an entry level option.

    Key Disadvantages

    1. Locking Bolts: Fort Knox is very vague about how the door is secured. This safe has 4 locking bolts, and an unspecified number of locking bars. Very few gun safes have locking bars. The bolts/bars are on three sides. Again, having secure bolts on all four door sides is preferred.
    2. Fort Knox Discrepancies: Generally, I have a very high regard for Fort Knox Safes.On this particular series, I have been disappointed.First, the company is somewhat vague on its Maverick Series descriptions.Second,as of February 2011, the company has not updated the features of the Maverick series.Some web pages have the old information, while others have the new improvements.Really? How hard is it to change a webpage?I am a one man shop and can do it in about 30 seconds.

    Fit and Finish

    The Maverick 6637 comes in 4 different textured exterior colors. You also have a choice of three different interior colors. This choice on entry level safes should be applauded. You have many different interior configurations available. There is also a lighting and dehumidifier kit available for purchase.

    Bottom Line

    I applaud Fort Knox Gun Safes for its improvements to the Maverick Series. I would recommend they keep working on the locking bolts to make them all the same and on all four sides, even on an entry level safe. Because of this reason, I would recommend buyers step up to a higher level safe like the Defender.

    Fort Knox Maverick 6637 – By the Numbers

    Security Features: Maverick 6637
    UL Security Rating UL RSC
    Steel Thickness 11 Gauge
    Inside Bolt Holes Yes
    Door Hinges External
    Locking Bolts – No. 4 (Plus Deadbars)
    Locking Bolts – Sides 3
    Locking Bolts – Size 1.5″
    Re-Lockers Yes
    Lock Rating UL Group II
    Lock Type Combination
    Lock Manufacturer S&G
    Lock Protection Yes (ball bearing)
    Clutch Mechanism No
    Fire Protection:
    Fire Rating Agency Third Party
    Fire Rating 45 minutes at 1,200° F
    Door Seal Palusol
    Insulation Type Fiberboard
    Other Considerations:
    Interior Lighting Kit
    Water Resistant No
    Dehumidifier Kit
    Basic Features:
    Exterior Measurement 66.5″ x 37″ x 26″
    Weight (lbs.) 800
    Capacity 8-44
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